Certificate of execution. Lithographic print in b & w, 11.7 X 9.4 cm.
Autograph declaration by Pierluigi Cazzavillan. January 18, 2018, 29.7 X 21 cm.

PARALISITEMPORALE per DUEOREDIATROFIE verticali (Temporal paralysis for two hours of vertical atrophy)


Saturday, February 2, 1980

Cornedo Vicentino (VI)

I didn’t know what to do. I had the feeling that any idea I came up with had somehow already been realized. I felt lost and robbed by all those who had preceded me.
The only thing I could do was to remain motionless and collect the dust that settled on me.

Each image, to be visible, must find a surface on which to rest

Action performed in my office in the absence of the public and with the presence of a single Eyewitness. I remained motionless, upright and with my eyes closed for a little over two hours. Then, I lost my balance, I fell to the ground and thus ended the action.


When the job was done, I printed a certificate, signed it with the Eyewitness, and mailed it to people I knew and also to randomly chosen strangers in the phone book.


Eyewitness Pierluigi Cazzavillan.


Many years later, functionally to the publication of a catalog and in order to reconstruct the memory in the eyewitness memories, I asked Pierluigi Cazzavillan to describe the work in a few lines. The witness replied that he remembered the action without being able to recall the details. Evidently, I chose the most Dadaist witness in circulation for the occasion.