The action took place in the presence of a few random spectators. The place motivated the conception and presentation of the project. S. Maria della Salute is a church strongly desired and built by the Venetians as a thanksgiving to the Madonna after the plague of 1600. Generated by an entire community, it catalyses the imagination of the inhabitants since the creation of this architectural machine.
I looked at the basilica as an accumulator and generator of energy, a celibate machine that for a few centuries has been watching over and producing spiritual and bodily food for its city. As a behaviorist I could not pay tribute to this imaginary reality. I did it with a symbolic ritual and the use of alchemical materials, gestures and geometries. All very hermetic and monological and for these reasons I did not seek an audience but more simply accepted the copresences of the case. The artist has the task of communicating through language but in this case I accepted my dialectical limit since the action was self-referential. I was looking for an anthropological structure to hang my expressive needs on.
The action took place in the presence of a few random spectators. The place motivated the conception and presentation of the project. S. Maria della Salute is a church strongly desired by the Venetians as thanksgiving to the Madonna after the plague of the 17th century and its architectural machine, generated by an entire community, has always catalyzed the imagination of citizens.
I saw the basilica as a generator and accumulator of energy, a celibate machine that watches over and produces spiritual and bodily food for its city. As a behaviorist I could not pay tribute to this “imaginary reality”. I did it with a symbolic ritual and the use of alchemical materials, gestures and geometries. All very hermetic and monological and for these reasons I did not seek an audience but more simply accepted the copresences of the case. The artist has the task of communicating through language but in this case I accepted my dialectical limit since the action was self-referential. I was looking for an anthropological structure to hang my expressive needs on.