Bue squartato - Quartered ox, 1978 Bitume e crema da scarpe su carta da spolvero montata su tela - Bitumen and shoe cream on dusting paper mounted on canvas, 233 X 153 cm.
L’appeso - The Hanged, 1979. Bitume e crema da scarpe su carta da spolvero - Bitumen and shoe cream on dusting paper, 650 X 153 cm.
Attacca pene - Penis hanger, 1978/79. Bitume e crema da scarpe su carta da spolvero montata su tela - Bitumen and shoe cream on dusting paper mounted on canvas, 150 X 140 cm.
L’alchimista in gamba - The smart alchemist, 1980. Bitume, crema da scarpe, foto e garza su carta da spolvero - Bitumen, shoe cream, photos and gauze on dusting paper, 190 x 153 cm.
Fiore - Flower, 1980. China, bitume e crema da scarpe su cartone - Ink, bitumen and shoe cream on cardboard, 50 X 35 cm.
Fiore - Flower, 1980. China e crema da scarpe su cartone - Ink and shoe cream on cardboard, 50 X 35 cm.
GnOcchio ((pun between knee and eye to the knee)), 1980. China, bitume e crema da scarpe su cartone - Ink, bitumen and shoe cream on cardboard, 50 X 35 cm.
Disegno per GnOcchio - Drawing for GinOcchio,
Disegno per GnOcchio - Drawing for GinOcchio,
Radar, 1980. China, bitume e crema da scarpe su cartone - Ink, bitumen and shoe cream on cardboard, 50 X 35 cm.
Torso, 1980. China, bitume, crema da scarpe, cera e ditale su cartone - Ink, bitumen, shoe cream, wax and thimble on cardboard, 70 X 50 cm.
Atanor, 1980 China, bitume, crema da scarpe e cera su cartone - Ink, bitumen, shoe cream and wax on cardboard, 70 X 50 cm.

Bitumi (Bitumen)

Works ranging from 1978 and up to 1980

Variable dimensions.

I had decided to stop painting but I had the need to complete some investigations on the surface before moving on to something else. I felt the need to specify the reasons that pushed me out of the “picture”.

I drew figures, automatic shapes, the result of tracing rather than a skill in building bodies. I represented feelings of hanging and being hung, generating silhouettes wrapped in the darkness of an inexpressible depth. I chose materials that were useful to wrap, support, protect and sometimes seal an existential condition. The fragility of the paper was thus contrasted with the reassuring properties of bitumen and shoe cream.

Bitumen, soundproof … a skin that protects against external agents, sounds and corrosion. Bitumen, a material-depth, an idea of ​​sinking and infinite darkness. An existential condition.
Shoe cream to transmute paper into leather, to translate the image of a body into a real body. A cream that softens and humanizes dry, arid and therefore inorganic surfaces.

The whole series of “bitumen” should be refreshed with shoe cream at each exposure.